Pharmacobezoar | 2012-2021
Foil Seal Pill Packaging | Precious & Semi-Precious Gemstones | Minerals | Glass Eye
/ˈbēzôr/: from the Arabic [bazahr or badzehr] meaning counter-poison.
A stone-like mass of indigestible material found in the GI tract of animals & humans, believed at various points in history to be an antidote to poison and a good luck or protection charm.
A prescription in the form of a sculpture, born from sickbed questions to Asclepius:
Who or what heals?
To whom do we assign the power and the privilege?
An institution?
The Self?
The Earth?
The Divine?
Is the poison (or the pain) the healer?
Is the decent into (mental or physical) illness a miners mission for the excavation of precious and valuable materials?
Dedicated as an offering to Saint Rita of Cascia: Patron Saint of Impossible causes (as well as sickness, wounds, abuse & mothers), on her feast day May the 22nd.