c,o,n,t,i,n,u,o,u,s|c-o-n-n-e-c-t-e-d | 2016
Performance installation with ceramic sculptures | Art Helix, Brooklyn NY
If the [confines] of form inform the e s c a p e from it, then to work in time is to work with time towards l i b e r a t i o n.
We currently inhabit s p a c e within the hard [boundaries] of a fractured perception of time but we can see through the cracks and time is playing dual roles : both prison guard and willing accomplice in our ultimate l i b e r a t i o n.
On one hand [ the one representative of a “right” and logical reality] time represents itself as [finite], a non-renewable energy source : measured and c.o.u.n.t.e.d : day planners and time clocks : grains of sand…always slipping through the hourglass and our fingers.
The proverbial left hand picks up these grains of silica, transformed and amalgamated by the heat of such [pressure] and holds up a warped mirror to the sad images of a miserly & punishing Cronos : as [science] presents [possible proof] of what myth and i n t u i t i o n have been saying all along : that time is an abstract concept : non-linear, c y c l i c a l, experientially perceived and quite possibly
u n q u a n t i f i a b l e.
Durational performance in collaboration with : Jessa Carter